Estate Planning

An enduring story

As Cabanor International builds closer and more personal relationships with our clients, they experience the underlying capabilities of our investment management approach. From our first discussions, we begin to lay the groundwork of a comprehensive investment strategy that starts with financial planning and the allocation of assets.

It doesn’t stop there though. We continue to ask questions and look to the future. By evaluating and updating your estate plans and anticipating future needs and opportunities, we can make better decisions today.

It’s an evolving process that grows and matures along with you.

Cabanor International will:
  • Evaluate your will and other documents
  • Assess and update estate planning and charitable giving
  • Liaise with your tax professionals to maximize opportunities
  • Collaborate with your other advisors to put your comprehensive financial life plan into action

Contact Us

If you are new to wealth management, seeking to upgrade your current wealth manager, or would like to streamline your family’s financial strategy, contact us today to take the first step on the road to a brighter tomorrow.